Friday, January 29, 2016

WHOOMP There IT Is! #16 - My Binding Evolution

This post contains ad links.

How do you quilt? Some people quilt by hand, some by machine...and some by check. Check? Yep! I cracked up the first time I heard! What it means is, they pay someone to do the quilting for them. In most cases it's a long-arm quilter.  Now, some long-arm quilters also offer binding services but...some don't. So I had the awesome idea to offer machine binding services to local quilters who want to bind by check. =)  I'm currently working on a list of services and prices.

When I first started quilting I got anxiety when it came to the actual quilting, but even more so when it came to binding. My teacher wasn't always available so I went surfing and came across Quilting in the Rain. I used Jera's Binding and Blind Stitching Tutorial for awhile.

Before long, I decided that hand binding is for the birds.  I then graduated to her Machine Binding Tutorial. After using this technique for some time, I decided I wanted something w/a less bulky ending.  I went surfing again and found Binding by Machine by Carole at Fresh off the Frame. It teaches a smooth, mitered join at the end. It was exactly what I was looking for!

And then one day, either several months or a year later ( I don't know exactly how long as life is busy and time passes way too quickly), I was visiting my friend jkfreeman13 (IG name). She was showing me quilts she'd made over the years and they were all finished w/a gorgeous and very polished binding that also had an accent color.  She referred to it as Susie's Magic Binding.   It is also known as Faux Piped Binding  and it is AMAZING! I've written about this AMAZING binding before.  In the FPB tutorial, Trisha explains the difference in pressing the seam of your binding and accent fabric one way or the other. The effect is either "stuffed" like piping, or "flat" like a flange. This is my absolute favorite binding tutorial to date and will be an option that I offer w/my services.  Hand binding, on the other hand, will not be an option I offer.
Last week at our Quilters Anonymous Sit & Sew, in spite of excessive socializing, I managed to get all of the squares sewn together for this scrappy lap quilt I've named Lap Full of Flowers.
 Afterward, I came home and made a scrappy Jellyroll Race Quilt top.

And one more thing before I get to the linky, Craftsy is at it again! 

#ad Between the busy holiday season and the first flowers of spring lies the perfect time for creativity. Celebrate with BIG savings on supplies at Craftsy, at up to 50% off! Get great deals on art supplies, fabric, yarn, baking tools and more. Browse the sale prices now before the best products are gone! have y'all been? I've been seeing lots of fantastic WIPs in blogland and IG but, I'm always thrilled to see more!
A Quilted Passion
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A Thread for Life

And last but not least, GO BRONCOS!!!

Friday, January 22, 2016

WHOOMP There IT Is! #15 - Gossamer

Hello, and welcome to another edition of WHOOMP There IT Is!  And what a special edition it is!

People, I give you, Gossamer!
Late October, I started my very 1st paper pieced project as a Christmas gift for David. Earlier in the year, I sent a photo of his 1976 Ford Bronco, Gossamer, to Janeen Van Niekerk of Quilted Art Designs and she made it into a paper pieced pattern. She does fantastic work by the way and has MANY wonderful patterns. Be sure to check out her pattern store.
I had mentioned to some ladies at Quilters Anonymous about my plans to learn paper piecing in order to make this special gift and they pointed me in Sue's direction.  Sue is a wonderful teacher who does it all; paper piecing, quilting, embroidery, applique, etc and she makes beautiful tops, like the one she's wearing in the pic below.  She taught me the Judy Niemeyer technique of paper piecing. She said I was a fast learner and a dream student. Okay, so she didn't use the words "dream student" but, I know it's what she was thinking. ;)  On a quick side note: Sue just opened up her Etsy shop, AZ Quilted Angel, where she sells gorgeous handmade purses! Be sure to check out her shop as well!
All I'd done before I got to her house was pick out the fabrics I wanted to use.  She pinned up the guide and got me started on cutting out ALL the pieces. And there were a lot! I spent about 5 hours a day for 5 Thursdays at her house working on this masterpiece.  And in my eyes, it is a masterpiece!

This is all I got done the 1st week.
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
5th week
 I made her proud!
If it weren't for Sue coordinating my numbered fabrics w/the respective paper pieces and getting them all lined up for me, it would've taken me much longer to finish. Thank you, Sue!

I thought I would hate paper piecing but I've grown quite fond of it.  I decided early on that if I liked how Gossamer came out, I'd enter it in the Arizona Quilters Guild Quilt Show in March.  I'm extremely pleased w/this finish so it will definitely be entered! David will have to wait a few more months to hang this beauty on the wall!

So here's to my 1st paper pieced project AND my 1st quilt show entry!
Here's another of last week's finishes. The block is called Summer Breeze by Upstairs Hobby Room.
One last thing before I let you go, I've listed another pattern in my Craftsy Pattern Store. My Easy Grocery Bag Catcher pattern is free for a limited time so be sure to download your copy today!
So that's all I've got folks! How about you? Do tell!
A Quilted Passion
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A Thread for Life
Sometimes prayer changes things. Sometimes prayer changes me.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

WHOOMP There IT Is! #14 - UFO Challenge 2016

Hello, Everyone! I hope you've had a wonderful week.  Mine has been a bit crazy w/my day job but the weekend is just about here and that makes me happy!

Something else that makes me happy is all of the lovelies I'm going to make this year! I wrote about 4 of them last week in this post and this week I'll share some others.
Image result for challenge time
A UFO challenge was presented at our Quilters Anonymous meeting last week.  We are a chapter of the Arizona Quilter's Guild.   The challenge was inspired by the All People Quilt 2016 UFO Challenge.  We are following their guidelines, however, we're starting ours in February.

Basically, we choose 12 UFOS we want to finish this year and put them on a list numbered 1-12. At our guild meeting, which is the 1st Thursday of the month, a number will be randomly chosen. That number will represent the numbered project we have to work on for that month. We'll share our finishes/progress at the next meeting and get a new # for the following month...and so on and so forth. The goal is to have 12 finished projects by the end of the year, or in our case, by the end of January 2017.

Since I don't have 12 UFOs, I chose several projects from my "To Make Someday" list that I'd like to see finished this year. Most of them are smaller projects since I will also be working on commissions. Here is a list of the projects I chose w/their "before challenge" status.  Remember, the numbers will be drawn randomly, so it doesn't matter how the projects are listed.  I've included pics so that you can see what the projects are. Most of these pics are not mine.

#1 Christmas Sparkle Punch Quilt - planning stage

#2 Through Thick & Thin Scrappy Log Cabin Quilt - all blocks finished
#3 Paper pieced Rooster Block - planning stage
#4 Scarppy String Thing Bed Runner - flimsy
#5 Paper pieced Owl Block - planning stage
#6 Halloween Spiderweb Quilt - planning stage
#7 Mia's Wall Hanging - flimsy, backing pieced and binding cut
#8 Friend Traveler Quilt
256 lozenges already cut out by my good friend Greta =)
#9 Quilted Cook & Carry - planning
Quilted Cook & Carry,:

#10 Caddy Pad Jr. Tote - planning

Caddy Pad Jr.:
#11 The Desk Deli Tote - planning
ps018 Desk Deli Tote Pattern:
#12 Cabo Bucket Tote - planning
Cabo Bucket Tote PatternQuilts Illustrated #PS025 - Sewing Patterns | Fat Quarter Shop:
Thanks for visiting and linking up!
A Quilted Passion
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Everyone likes to hear "thank you" and know their effort is appreciated.
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A Thread for Life
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. - 2 Cor 13:11

Thursday, January 7, 2016

WHOOMP There IT Is! #13 - Goals 2016

Happy New Year Y'all!  I know I speak for everyone when I say, how time flies! Last year came and went in a flash!

I'm working at getting motivated to finish projects already started and start some new ones. So what better time than the present to share my quilty goals for 2016!   I started it several months ago but stopped because it quickly grew out of control.    I knew I'd have to trim it down or else get myself overwhelmed w/anxiety and end up locked away in a looney bin somewhere. ;)

So here's a very modest list of what I'd like to accomplish this year.

I've already got 3 commissions lined up for the 1st few months. One queen size rag quilt and two baby quilts.  I don't think custom orders are the way I want to go. Something about having deadlines really puts pressure on a girl. With this being said, I may accept an occasional order, but it won't be a big selling point in my Etsy shop going forward.

I aim to finish my Through Thick and Thin scrappy-batik log cabin that I started last January.  It's made w/2 different size logs; 1.25" and 2.5" and is destined to be a personal quilt for my king size bed.

I was reminded of another quilt I want to make when I saw Katy's Handsome Shirt Tails quilt.
Katy's Shirt Tails
Last year my good friend Greta of Material Detachment sent me 256 lozenges in shades of red (my favorite color), orange and purple, to make my very own Arkansas Traveler quilt.  She'd recently finished a stunning one made of blues and browns that she dubbed, Niigata Traveler.
my lozenges =)

Greta's Niigata (Arkansas Traveler)
I guess this post is mostly about quilts I want to make for myself because another one is a Spiderweb quilt. I fell in love w/Pop Stars by Julie of Pink Doxies. I can actually kill two birds w/one stone w/this quilt because a Halloween quilt is also on my list this year, thanks to Val of Val's Quilting Studio and LeeAnna of Not Afraid of Color!   Both gals decorate their homes w/quilts for each season/holiday. What a splendid idea! What better quilt to make for Halloween than a Spiderweb one?!
Julie's Pop Stars

Val's Halloween Inspiration
LeeAnna's Forever Partners

Of course, the list of quilts I want to make goes on to infinity and beyond...but I've one more on my list for 2016.  Sparkle Punch by Elizabeth Hartman of Oh Fransson. It's been on my list for quite some time and will be a 2-bird killer as well. It shall be my Christmas quilt. =)
This seems like an attainable goals list for now.  I'm certain it'll be peppered w/a few several other projects. I've a couple small paper pieced numbers in mind as well as a few small gift/charity quilts.

Thank you ALL for the wonderful quilty inspiration!  I look forward to reading about your goals or whatever  you'd like to share this week at WHOOMP There IT Is!  Thanks for stopping by and linking up.
A Quilted Passion
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A Thread for Life
The attitude of a Christian towards the providential order in which he is placed is to recognize that God is behind it for purposes of His own.- Oswald Chambers